Degrees & Courses
Degree Programs - Concentration in Ecology for Ph.D. Students
Doctoral students in the Zoology, Plant Biology, and Environmental Resources and Policy programs can pursue a concentration in ecology. Specific requirements for the concentration vary slightly depending on the student’s home department, but include taking the Seminar in Ecology course (PLB 589a) at least one semester. The concentration also requires that the student's other coursework emphasizes ecology and that the student's advisory committee includes at least two members from outside of the student's home department. Other departments are working on similar options for doctoral students specializing in ecology. The ecology concentration appears on the student's transcript.
The following senior/graduate courses in ecology are offered at SIUC. This list is not exhaustive and times when courses are offered are subject to change. Please contact the faculty member listed for details. Course descriptions are available either through the links provided or degree program web pages.
Survey of the Primates (ANTH 210), Reichard
Biological Foundation of Human Behavior (ANTH 330), Reichard
Primate Behavior and Ecology (ANTH 455c), Reichard
Socioecology of Apes (ANTH 581 seminar), Reichard
Primate Nutritional Ecology (ANTH 581 seminar), Reichard
Environmental Chemistry (Chem 431/539, 3 credits). Spring even years. Huff Hartz
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Advanced Biological Treatment Processes (CE 518). Fall. Liang
Advanced Water and Wastewater Treatment (CE 419). Spring. Liang
Advanced Landscape Ecology (FOR 506-3), Fall, even years. Holzmueller
Advanced Silviculture (FOR 510-2), Fall, even years. Groninger
Advanced Watershed Hydrology and Management (FOR 502) Spring, odd years. Williard
Agroforestry (FOR 403, 3 credits), Fall. Groninger
Directed Studies in Forest Resources-Silviculture (FOR 591F-2) Spring. Groninger
Directed Studies in Forest Resources-Wildfire Management (FOR 591G-2) Spring. Ruffner
Disturbance Ecology (FOR 531-2), Fall, odd years. Ruffner
Field Course in Tropical Wildlife Ecology (FOR 494A-2), Offered during Spring Break. Nielsen and Carver.
Forest Ecology Field Studies (FOR 454 2-8 credits), Occasionally in Summer over a ~2 week period. Zaczek.
Forest Resource Management (FOR 416-4), Fall. Holzmueller
Forest Management for Wildlife (FOR 405-2), Fall. Nielsen
Forest Soils (FOR 452-2), Spring even years. Schoonover
Historical Ecology of Landscapes (FOR 508-2), Fall, even years.Ruffner
Human Dimensions of Natural Resource Management (FOR 585-3), Spring. Seekamp
Natural Resources Inventory (FOR 451-2), Spring. Nielsen
Natural Resources of Ireland (For 494c-4), Summer, Ruffner
Park and Wildland Management (FOR 420), Fall. Park
Regional Silviculture (FOR 431, 3 credits), Spring. Groninger
Resource Inventory (FOR 451-2), Fall. Nielsen
Tree Physiology Concepts and Applications (FOR 504-2), Zaczek
Urban Ecosystem Management (FOR 415), Schoonover
Urban Forestry (FOR 428-3), Fall. Groninger
Watershed Management Field Laboratory (FOR 429-2), Fall semester. Williard
Wildland Watershed Management (FOR 430-3), Fall. Williard
Wildland Hydrology (FOR 402-3), Spring even years. Williard
Earth Systems & Sustainability
American Environmental History (GEOG 457 same as HIST 457), Therrell
Climatology (GEOG 431), Spring. Schoof
Conservation and Environmental Movements (GEOG 454), Spring even years. Duram
Geography of Organic Farming (GEOG 490/521 & ERP 594), 3 credit seminar. Fall semester. Duram
Global Climate Change (GEOG 439/439 H/ 539), 3 credit seminar Fall. Therrell
Intro to Environmental Management (GEOG 320), Therrell. Spring
Physical Geography of the Americas (GEOG 303), Schoof
Population and the Environment (human population!) (GEOG 452-3), Spring, even years. Duram
Scientific Writing and Communications (GEOL 405), Pinter and others
US Environmental Policy (GEOG 426-3), Spring, odd years. Duram
Geochemistry of Natural Waters (GEOL 416), Lefticariu
Isotope Geochemistry (GEOL 417) Lefticariu
Instrumental Analysis (Isotope Ratio Mass Spectometry) (GEOL 515), Lefticariu
Earth Through Time (GEOL 221), Anderson
Low Temperature Geochemistry (GEOL 418), Anderson
Organic Geochemistry (GEOL 421), Anderson
Hydrogeology (GEOL 470), Esling
Geomorphology (GEOL 474), Pinter
Advanced Environmental Geology (GEOL 478), Pinter
Coastal Geomorphology and Sedimentology (GEOL 576), Pinter
Fluvial Geomorphology (GEOL 578), Pinter
Environmental Magnetism (GEOL 535), Ferre
Biological Sciences
Microbial Ecology (MICR/MBMB 477)
Graduate Seminar in Ecology (PLB 589a), Fall and Spring. Various instructors
Advanced Biostatistics (PLB 558- 4), Spring semester. Reeve
Biostatistics (PLB 557- 4), Fall semester. Reeve
Quantitative Plant Ecology (PLB 444-4)
Ecology of Bryophytes (PLB 410)
Ecosystem Ecology (PLB 545-3)
Energetics, Food Webs, and Ecosystems (PLB 490-3, Same as ZOOL 490).
Environmental Physiology of Plants (PLB 425-4, Same as PLSS 425, PSAS 425)
Flora of Southern Illinois (PLB 451), Summer. Various instructors
Grasslands Ecology (PLB 440-3)
Limnology (PLB 416-3, Same as ZOOL 415), Fall. Brooks
Environmental Physiology of Plants (PLB 425-4)
Plant Ecophysiology (PLB 530-3)
Plant Population Ecology (PLB 452-4), Spring. Gibson
Plant Geography (PLB 450-2)
Plant-insect Interactions (PLB 43-35), Sipes
Nutrient Cycling Methods (PLB 546-2)
Restoration Ecology (PLB 443-3)
Wetland Plant Ecology and Management (PLB 445-4)
Advanced Biostatistics (ZOOL 558, 4 hours), Spring semester. Reeve
Advanced Wetland Ecology and Management (ZOOL 585-D), Eichholz.
Analysis of Vertebrate Populations (ZOOL 585), Eichholz.
Animal Behavior (ZOOL 478-3)
Aquatic Entomology (ZOOL 473-4)
Biostatistics (ZOOL 557, 4 hours), Fall semester. Reeve
Comparative Physiology (ZOOL 433a/PHSL 433A, 3 hrs)
Conservation Aquarium (ZOOL 485-2), Spring even years. Garvey
Conservation Biology (ZOOL 410), Fall. Garvey
Entomology (ZOOL 471-4)
Evolutionary Ecology (ZOOL 585Z/485), Spring even years.
Foraging Ecology (ZOOL 485-3), Spring odd years. Garvey
Energetics, Food Webs, and Ecosystems (ZOOL/PLB 490), Fall. Lovvorn
Freshwater Invertebrates (ZOOL 414)
Herpetology (ZOOL 408-3), Fall. Warne
Ichthylology (ZOOL 465-3)
Issues in Aquatic Ecology (ZOOL 458), Spring semester.
Limnology (ZOOL 415), Fall semester. Brooks
Mammalogy (ZOOL 461-3)
Ornithology (ZOOL 467), Spring Semester. Lovvorn
Physiological Ecology (ZOOL 573.), Fall even years.
Plant-insect Interactions (ZOOL 435-3.), Sipes
Population Ecology (ZOOL 577, 3 credits), Spring semester. Reeve
Stable Isotopes in Ecology (ZOOL 585z), Spring semester (even years). Whitledge
Stream Ecology (ZOOL 521)
Wildlife Biology Principles (ZOOL 468)
Waterfowl Ecology and Management (ZOOL 462), Eichholz.
Wildlife Nutritional Ecology (ZOOL 440, 3 hrs)